Are you ready to start decorating for spring? Grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy my first spring in our vintage farmhouse house tour.

We recently moved from our rustic farmhouse to a new-to-us 1850 farmhouse on a sprawling 10-acre property.

So this will be a big year of firsts.

I shared our first Christmas.

And today, I’m sharing our first spring !

Our new home needs some updating but it has gorgeous, expansive gardens throughout the property with lots of unique tree sculptures and garden statues.

It’s super cool and I can’t to see it bloom this spring.

We moved in shortly before the holidays, so we’ve been very busy settling in, organizing, and renovating a few rooms.

I shared a home tour shortly after we moved in. You can see it HERE.

Wait until you see how I decorated it (so far) for spring!

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My Front Porch in Spring

My front porch is currently a work in progress because it’s just starting to warm up here in New Jersey.

We have this gorgeous porch swing that came with the house.

So there will be lots of porch sitting to come.

It’s a great spot to enjoy a cup of coffee as the sun rises.

When the local nurseries get their spring stock, I’ll be adding lots of pretty flowers to the porch.

So stay tuned to see what I do this spring.

My first spring in my vintage farmhouse house tour
Front porch swing in my spring farmhouse house tour
vintage spring farmhouse house tour on front porch

The Front Entry

Our front entry has not changed much since we first moved in.

I am preparing to paint it though in the next few weeks because the red has got to go.

Since we painted the dining room, which is adjacent to the front entry, it is sticking out like a sore thumb.

front entry in spring in my vintage farmhouse - vestibule

And the thing of it is, I like this red!

Our former dining room was painted with that exact same red.

So a lighter and brighter front entry hall will be coming shortly.

Vintage farmhouse house tour

In the meantime, I tucked in some pretty fake flowers with my houseplants to make it feel more like spring in here.

The room is quite spacious so we are also thrifting around for pieces to add.

We’d love to replace the stair railing but it’s not in the budget right now.

So we are painting this too.

I’m sure painting all those spindles will be a lot of fun!

Isn’t the wood floor cool though?

The painted inlays add some charm to the front entry.

front entry in my spring farmhouse house tour

My Vintage Farmhouse Dining Room Tour

So far, the dining room has received the most attention since we moved in.

You’ve got to see what it looked like before to truly appreciate all the work that went into this space so far.

It had these dark upholstered walls that took an entire weekend to remove.

There were so many staples and the walls were pretty messed up after getting them down.

It also had a dark, heavily textured faux finish ceiling that we totally painted over.

But by far, my favorite in this room is that crystal chandelier.

I mean, isn’t it amazing?

Seriously I am in awe of it every single time I walk by.

decorating the dining room for spring with faux tulips

I love the sparkle of the crystals.

And of course, I still love my china cabinet and hutch.

That will remain as it is because I love the black.

It also holds so much.

The rest of the room, however, will get tweaked over time.

faux tulips on the dining table

I’m going to move away from my colonial decor and embrace the rustic elegance that this room deserves with some lighter, chippy wood and neutral tones.

I’m planning to replace the area rug and chairs.

After doing lots of shopping, I finally found the right rug. It’s on backorder for 12-14 weeks but is so pretty.

You can check it out HERE.

easter brunch tablescape idea

I think I want to lighten my farmhouse dining table too.

We’ve had it for over 20 years so I’m not married to the finish anymore. I think it would look good a lighter shade of wood.

We recently thrifted that fireplace surround in the background below.

It is in beautiful condition and fits perfectly along that wall.

thrifted fireplace surround in the dining room

Right now, it’s just leaning there, but I am planning to refinish it soon too. I’m going to strip it down and see what it looks like before doing anything else to it.

As we make changes, I like to let the room marinate a little bit so I can think about where it’s going and what I want to do to make it feel more casually elegant.

So far though?

I’m really happy with where it’s going.

Cozy Italian Dinner Party Table Decorations
Scenes from an Italian Dinner Party

Vintage Farmhouse House Tour: Spring in the Sunroom

The other room we have been working on since moving in is the sunroom.

And OMG wait until you see what it looked like before because this one was a doozy. CLICK HERE to see the before.

It was covered in a dark heavy faux finish that was distracting the view of the outdoor gardens and my houseplants.

And you know how I love my gardens and houseplants, right?

After - how to paint over faux finish in the sunroom renovation. Houseplants in the sunroom

I spent an entire week painting this room and love how it turned out.

The gardens are more visible, you can see the architecture of my houseplants now, and the floor really pops too.

The sunroom housing about half of my houseplants and seed starts so I have not done much decorating in here aside from painting it.

So far, I’ve started growing sweet peas, larkspur, and snapdragons for my new cut flower garden that I’m creating here.

After painting over the faux finish in the sunroom

I don’t know all of the plants that are on the property yet, so I am working on turning one bed that was covered in ground cover (liriope) and changing it over to a cottage garden like my old garden.

So far, the liriope is out.

My seeds are germinating in the sunroom.

And this girl is feeling pretty good about the upcoming growing season!

You’ll have to check back to see how it grows.

Sweet Pea seedlings in the sunroom

So spring in the sunroom, is all about my plants.

Next year, I’ll have more of a decorative vibe going on in here.

But for now, it works for where we are and what we are doing.

Dahlia 'Jowey Winnie'
Dahlia ‘Jowey Winnie’

Vintage Farmhouse House Tour: Spring in the Formal Living Room

The formal living room has a lot of unique features with different faux finishes.

The one on the ceiling is really detailed and the artistry that went into it is totally amazing.

formal living room in my vintage spring farmhouse house tour
first christmas in our home tour

That said, at some point, this room will be getting a makeover to tone down the faux finishes too.

We probably won’t make any changes until fall though. I want to wrap up a few indoor projects and start spring gardening before tackling this room.

When we eventually update this room, I want to add some linen drapes to flank the windows (not covering them though) with some woven shades.

That would add a lot of texture and soften the windows.

The windows are fabulous and add so much light to the room so I don’t want to cover them up.

spring in my vintage farmhouse house tour

For spring, I decorated with a bunch of faux flowers and greens to bring the outdoors in.

I also have a few of my houseplants in here too.

It’s so easy to decorate for spring when you have a lot of houseplants because they green up a space and make it feel more alive.

In this room, I have two lacy tree philodendrons, a Chinese evergreen, anthurium, and pothos.

Everything else is faux!

vintage farmhouse fireplace

I’d also like to add some cool vintage art.

With flowers of course.

Cause I can’t get enough flowers.

I’m hoping to find some cool picture frames while thrifting that I can refinish and repurpose in here so I can finish decorating it on a dime.

spring in my vintage farmhouse house tour in the formal living room

Sneak Peak of What’s Happening in the Family Room

So we JUST started painting the family room and it is looking good!

It’s amazing how the lighter paint color brings in the outdoor gardens and makes the room feel larger.

And so far, only the trim is done!

Family room renovation is underway - bye bye faux finish

And that’s it for today!

Thanks so much for coming along on my french country farmhouse spring home tour.

hanging out in the zen garden with my dogs

Be sure to check out all of the gorgeous inspiration spring below!

sping vintage farmhouse home tour pics
spring dining room with massive white tulip centerpiece and black hutch with white plate display
pics of bloggers spring tour

Thank you so much for following along.

Enjoy a beautiful day! xo

Stacy Ling

Today, I’m sharing my spring home tour as part of the Bloggers’ Best Spring Home Tours hosted by my good friend Kelly, from the Tattered Pew.

If you are visiting from Cecilias from My Thift Store Addiction I’m so excited you are here and can’t wait to show you around the new place!

The bricks \'n Blooms guide to a beautiful and easy-care flower garden book by stacy ling
The Bricks ‘n Blooms Guide to a Beautiful and Easy Care Flower Garden
  • Have you never met a plant you couldn’t kill?
  • Have you dug around in the dirt with nothing to show for it except a sunburn and a sore back?
  • Do you currently enjoy growing flowers, but are looking for more tips and ideas to level up your gardening game?

Then the Bricks ‘n Blooms Guide is for YOU

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  1. Everything is coming along so nicely! It’s amazing what a bright coat of paint can do for a space!
    That front porch is going to be such a great spot to hang out during the day.

    1. Stacy, your home tour is stunning. The centerpiece of tulips is gorgeous.

      I swoon at that chandelier every time!

  2. Stacy!! YOUR DINING ROOM!! I’m about to go buy a crystal chandelier like this!!! Oh my word! It’s gorgeous!!! And I’m so pumped to see what your front porch looks like once the nursery starts selling all those green goodies!!! I’m over here impatiently waiting hahaha

  3. Stacy, your new home is beautiful–crushing on that gorgeous chandelier! I especially love your porch swing, flagstone porch and your pretty Easter brunch table setting! Pinned! Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction

  4. I’m loving how you set up your front porch. The bistro set is a perfect addition! Your chandelier stops my scroll every time I see it. I know you are excited for all your new gardens. Nice hopping with you today! 🙂

  5. Pingback: My New Blue Spring Home Tour - Part 1 - cottage in the mitten
  6. All of the changes you’ve made so far look beautiful, Stacy. I can’t wait to see more of your new gardens when they begin to bloom. I’m sure they will be gorgeous. Happy to be touring with you this week. Pinned!

  7. You have done so much to your home already Stacy. Isn’t it amazing how much a different paint color can make in a room? I think my favorite change has been the sunroom. And the French doors are so amazing. Can’t wait to continue to follow along my friend.

    1. Thank you – that room is awesome. I can’t wait to decorate it too – for now plants and seedlings will do! LOL! xoxoxo

  8. Stacy,
    I know you are so excited to show your beautiful new home for the first time. It’s absolutely fabulous. Enjoy this process of making it your own.

  9. Wow… what a fun project your home is! And you’ve done so much with the dining room and sun room! Thanks for sharing your home with us, Stacy!

  10. Great job on turning this new-to-you house into a home. Everything looks lovely and I know it will continue to be a fun project. I love change so I’m a little jealous. Looking forward to seeing all you do to the outdoors too! Happy Spring and love hopping with you this week.

    1. Thank you so much Cindy! It is really fun to have something new to love and work on. We were built out at the other house. xo

  11. Your new home is so gorgeous; exciting to see how you’ll make it even more beautiful inside and out. The former owners were definitely talented artists, but think the more subtle palette you’re creating will help the home & gardens to shine themselves. Happy Spring!

    1. Thank you so much Lora! They certainly did a lot of work here and I appreciate all the love and care they put into it. Happy Spring! xo

  12. Stacy it’s so fun to see more of your new farmhouse. I totally agree about letting a space marinate before you completely overhaul it. There is something to be said about living with something for awhile to see how it functions and flows. So far I am loving your choices! So excited to see the guards soon too. Happy Spring and thanks for joining me this week!

    1. Thank you Kelly! I couldn’t agree more! You can totally rush it and then wind up changing things. Paint is a great place to start! Thanks for hosting another great home tour Kelly! They are always a blast! xo

  13. Pingback: Light and Airy Spring Home Tour - Midwest Life and Style Blog
  14. Pingback: Chateau Chic Spring Home Tour - Amy Sadler Designs
  15. Pingback: 7 Beautiful & Thrifty European Farmhouse Spring Home Accessories – Open Doors Open Hearts
  16. Your new home is so beautiful and I love everything you’ve done so far to make it yours!
    That chandelier is amazing and I can’t even get over your sunroom, gorgeous!

  17. You’ve done so much work to your new home! And it is all looking so lovely Stacy! The previous owners really loved their faux finishes😊 Thanks for sharing your spring decor ideas!

  18. Your home has the loveliest bones. I can’t wait to see what you do with it. You are crazy talented. I hope that you will share this on the Fabulous Friday Link Party this Friday. You can find the link on my homepage. Hugs to you.

  19. Your new home is gorgeous! It already looks so inviting. Your outdoor space is incredible and I love all the unique details inside.

  20. Your home is gorgeous! I can’t wait to see what you do with your family room. I love all of your plants too! Can you come help my brown thumb?? My poor plants…

  21. Stacy, I am really enjoying watching you transform this new house. With each thing you do, that house just begins to shine. I am excited to see more of the gardens when everything starts to bloom.

    1. Thank you so much Tammy! It is so fun to have something new to work on. We were so built out at our former house it’s really fun working on this one. xoxo

  22. Pingback: Farmhouse Spring Decorating Ideas and Home Tour
  23. Pingback: A New England Cottage Spring Home Tour - Cottage On Bunker Hill
  24. I love following along with your updates in stories! I can’t wait to see what new flowers pop up for you this summer!

  25. Pingback: How to Refresh Your Apartment Patio for Spring -
  26. Pingback: How to create a lively spring looking home with neutral decor - County Road 407
  27. Pingback: Blogger's Best Spring Home Tours Series | She Gave It A Go
  28. Stacy, your farmhouse is so beautiful and loving everything you have done thus far! Your table setting is just stunning-pinned!
    It’s a joy to be on this tour with you, friend.

  29. Pingback: Easy Spring Home Decor ~ White Arrows Home
  30. Pingback: Spring Home Tour: Simple Ideas for Spring Decorating - My Family Thyme
  31. Hi Stacy! I loved seeing all of your projects. Your home is so pretty and I love seeing the process of turning a house into a home. I am in the process of doing that at our 1891 cottage too! I love what you have done so far. I pinned your gorgeous dining room onto my spring board to share!


  32. Stacy I am truly so thrilled for you and excited to watch as your transform this home and gardens into a true showplace! Your dining room is already looking fabulous. Oh that chandy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to see all you do!

    Happy spring!

  33. Stacy, your new home is gorgeous and I love how you are making it your own! That chandelier is stunning! I can’t wait to see what you do with your gardens. It is such a joy to be on this tour with you. Happy Spring!

  34. Pingback: 2022 Spring Parade of Homes Tour - Hand Knitting and Crafts