Welcome to my garden shop! I’ve curated a list of everything that I use as well as a few items that are on my wish list. In my shop, you’ll find everything you need for planting, growing, seed starting, arranging flowers, and so much more!
Top Garden Tools for 2024
Stand-Up Garden Tools
Essential Hand Tools for Gardening
Power Tools for the Garden

My favorite stand-up weeding tool saves your back from leaning over and is a real workhorse and pulling weeds.
The earth laughs in flowers.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

My favorite hand-weeding tool is THE BEST at getting under roots with ease quickly. It’s also great for use in rocky soil to loosen and remove rocks.
Top Garden Supplies for 2024
Soil, Compost, and More
Organic Fertilizers
Organic Pest and Disease Controls

This has been my go-to deer repellent for many many years and I still use it to this day! It works very well, doesn’t clog, and has a minty odor.
To plant a garden is to dream of tomorrow.
Audrey Hepburn

This deer repellent is systemic and gets taken in by the plant itself. It stains the plant and smells awful but eventually washes off and works well against other critters too like rabbits, groundhogs, deer, and others.
Supplies That Will Make Your Gardening Life Easier
Plant Supports
Favorite Outdoor Planters
Garden Gear

My garden tool belt is a must-have! I wear it often when I’m working to keep all the things on me so I don’t misplace them!
Tool Belts and Aprons
Garden Boots and Clogs
Easy-Care Live Plants
Watering Cans and Supplies
Planters and Stands
Houseplant Accessories
Cut Flower Gardening and Flower Arranging
Seed Starting Supplies
Cut Flower and Arranging Supplies
Essential Gardening Books for Your Library
Favorite Gardening Books

My Book!!! The Bricks ‘n Blooms Guide to a Beautiful and Easy-Care Flower Garden
There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.
Janet Kilburn Phillips