Hi there!

I hope you had a great week!

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Random Things Happening Behind the Scenes at Bricks ‘n Blooms

What a week it was!

Our Day Trip to New York City

We had a GREAT time in the city on Sunday. I didn’t tell you what were seeing because I was trying to surprise Chris! And it worked!

Here’s the backstory. Since before the thing that shut the world down happened, we were supposed to see the Broadway Show, Hamilton, as a family for Mackenzie’s birthday, which was that March.

Well clearly, that didn’t happen, so we sat on the idea of going to see a show since. My good friend and the best tech support for my blog Mike, was in the area and I talked him into catching a show with his wife while they were here. So Chris and I decided we’d go in and meet up with them for dinner and hey, maybe we’ll see a show while we’re there!

So last minute, I was looking for tickets to all the shows we wanted to see. Everything was either too expensive, not the right time, or no seats available.

When I first looked online for Hamilton (I was searching from my phone), it looked like there were no seats. I made a last-ditch effort a few days later from my computer and found a few seats left for the matinee showing on Sunday!

Stacy ling, christopher D ling and Mike Zielonka outside Bond 45 in new York city

So I quickly snatched them up and decided to tell Chris we were going to see Shucked. Mike and his wife were seeing The Book of Mormon, which we already saw, so we didn’t want to see that again if there were others at the same time.

To make a short story long, the theater for Shucked was not close to the Book of Mormon, but the Hamilton theater was! So I tried and tried and tried convincing Chris we needed to park by The Book of Mormon.

But my husband is a planner when we go to NYC and it was going to pour, so I don’t think this idea was sitting well with him. Hahahaha

Anyway, the morning of we were chatting and trying to figure out the logistics when he mentioned I needed to send him the ticket. So I thought to myself, this is as good a time as any to tell him. So, I sent him our theater ticket to Hamilton and waited to see how long it would take him to figure it out.

44 seconds.

It took him a full 44 seconds for what show we were going to see register. He was thrilled! We went in on the earlier side and had brunch at an Irish pub, went to the show, and then met up with Mike and his wife afterward at Bond 45 which let me tell you, was FABULOUS!

Christopher d ling and stacy ling outside the Richard Robbins theater in NYC to see Hamilton on Broadway

Exciting News!

I haven’t mentioned anything to anyone about this, but I’m narrating the audio for my book, The Bricks ‘n Blooms Guide to a Beautiful and Easy-Care Flower Garden. Isn’t that so cool?

So I’m heading back to New York City tomorrow to go into a studio to record my book. Hopefully, we’ll get it done tomorrow so I don’t have to come back on Tuesday but it’s all good if I do! Chris is coming with me because I am more of a country mouse, so he’ll navigate where I need to go! LOL

I’m really excited about recording it and look forward to the experience.

Oh, I’m also making an appearance at a home and garden show in mid-January in Atlanta. When I get the details about where I’ll be, I’ll share them with you guys. If you are local and want to come meet up and chat, that would be so fun!

Join My Book Launch Team!

Speaking of the book, I’m assembling a launch team because we will hit the ground running to promote the book after the holidays. Are you interested in joining my team? If so, I’d love to have you!

Quickly fill out this form here, and I’ll reach out via email to give you the specifics in January. I greatly appreciate all the help I can get spreading the word and the joy of gardening! So thank you!

I can’t believe we are less than 2 months away from the release of my book. Did you preorder it yet? If not, you can get your copy here.

I keep glancing through the early copy I got from my publisher and it is such a beautiful book! I mean it’s chock full of really good information but the pictures look so gorgeous. And I feel really proud of my accomplishment!

christmas amaryllis and orchids in the greenhouse
Red Christmas Amaryllis and Orchids

What I’m Shopping For This Week

I did some last-minute Secret Santa gift shopping, snagged some extra gift wrap, and picked up a few more odds and ends. Wait until you see what I bought!

If you are ready to get wrapping, I got you! I curated a list of gift wrapping supplies here that you can get pretty quickly without leaving your home.

terra cotta pots in a cabinet hutch in the greenhouse

What’s Happening at Bricks ‘n Blooms

It was a fun week on the blog! Here’s a quick rundown of what you may have missed.

Amazing Inspiration from Around the Web

I love finding cool inspiration from around the web and wanted to share some of what I’m loving right now.

dining room christmas decor ideas with vintage decorations and rustic elegant aesthetic

More About the Weekly Rewind

Have you seen any Broadway shows lately that you’d recommend? We were just talking about going to see another one in 2024. I would love to know more in the comments below.

And don’t miss joining my Gardening DIY and Decorating Community on Facebook for more chatter. And follow along there and on Instagram as well. There are behind-the-scenes daily things that I share on Instagram that don’t make it to the blog. Would love to see you there too!

If you prefer to binge-watch Bricks ’n Blooms on TV, we go more in-depth with tours and posts on my YouTube channel. Would love to hang out with you there!

If you enjoy these posts, you can find past Bricks ‘n Blooms Weekly posts here.

And… If you’re catching up on blog posts you may have missed, be sure to sign-up to get my newest posts via email to stay up to date with everything that’s happening here on the blog and more.

beautiful orchids at the nursery
Stacy Ling with her book the bricks n blooms guide to a beauitful and easy care flower garden

If you’ve always dreamed of bringing country charm to your home while creating a beautiful, relaxing space, I got you! Learn how to grow flowers in even the smallest of spaces with my easy-care, low-maintenance approach.

Pink bleeding heart flowers in bloom, with blue flowers and lush green foliage in the background, conveying a vibrant spring garden scene.

Growing Bleeding Hearts (Dicentra): The Whimsical Shade Perennial

Learn how to grow enchanting bleeding hearts (dicentra) in your shade garden! This guide covers planting, care, and more. The bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis) is a beloved garden classic, prized for its charming heart-shaped flowers that dangle delicately from arching stems. These enchanting blooms, which appear in shades of pink, red, and white, bring a…
Read More Growing Bleeding Hearts (Dicentra): The Whimsical Shade Perennial
A small potted plant (syngonium milk confetti) with light green leaves featuring red speckles. It sits on a wooden table with a clear plastic saucer beneath the pot. In the background, there is a couch and some blurred household items.

Syngonium Milk Confetti: The Complete Care Guide For Your Indoor Garden

Add a splash of pink to your home with Syngonium Milk Confetti! This guide has all you need to grow this uniquely beautiful plant. The Syngonium Milk Confetti, scientifically known as Syngonium podophyllum ‘Milk Confetti’, is a captivating houseplant that has taken the indoor gardening world by storm. With its arrowhead-shaped leaves splashed with creamy…
Read More Syngonium Milk Confetti: The Complete Care Guide For Your Indoor Garden
growing pink coreopsis (tickseed) in a vibrant flower garden that attracts pollinators

Growing Coreopsis (Tickseed) for a Pollinator Garden and Endless Summer Blooms

Attract pollinators and enjoy a low-maintenance garden with coreopsis (tickseed). This guide covers everything you need to know. If you want captivating colors and a simple care routine in your flower garden, coreopsis is like that effortlessly stylish friend who always looks amazing without even trying. These blooms require minimal care to dazzle your garden…
Read More Growing Coreopsis (Tickseed) for a Pollinator Garden and Endless Summer Blooms
Cozy living room with a lit fireplace, flanked by armchairs. A wooden coffee table holds potted flowers and decor. Greenery adorns the mantel, and a large floral painting hangs above. Natural light streams in through the windows.

Bricks ‘n Blooms Weekly 214

Hi there! I hope you had an amazing week! Random Things Happening Behind the Scenes at Bricks ‘n Blooms Vermont Ups and Downs While we had a great time with my family skiing, dining, doing puzzles, and shopping. However, we closed out the weekend with a small blockage in our drainage line at the cabin….
Read More Bricks ‘n Blooms Weekly 214

Thank you so much for following along.

Enjoy a beautiful day! xo

Stacy ling bricksnbloom logo
The bricks \'n Blooms guide to a beautiful and easy-care flower garden book by stacy ling
The Bricks ‘n Blooms Guide to a Beautiful and Easy Care Flower Garden
  • Have you never met a plant you couldn’t kill?
  • Have you dug around in the dirt with nothing to show for it except a sunburn and a sore back?
  • Do you currently enjoy growing flowers, but are looking for more tips and ideas to level up your gardening game?

Then the Bricks ‘n Blooms Guide is for YOU

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