Looking for simple ways to get organized for the big move? Here are 11 simple packing tips for moving to your new home.
Now that we are packing up our house for the big move, there’s so much to know!
And make no mistake about it, packing to move is a lot of work!
But I’ve learned some tips and tricks to making the packing process go more smoothly.
Are you going through the moving process too?
Whether you are planning to move soon or a few years down the road, here are some simple tips I learned to help the big day go more smoothly.
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About My Move
We have lived in our home for 23 years, so I have never moved the kind of volume that I’m packing right now.
From my kids’ artwork to just stuff we’ve accumulated over the years, how and what to pack is a huge deal.
Luckily, we’ve been slowly preparing for this day the last few years, by going through things in anticipation of eventually selling our home.
But even with that slow preparation, there is still so much volume!
And the more stuff you have to move, the more moving trucks you’ll need, which is more expensive.
Thus, it’s important to pare things down before packing to move.
And the key question you need to ask yourself is…
Do you want to pay to move it?
If you take nothing else away from this post, get rid of stuff!
You’ll thank me later.

How Long Before Moving Should You Start Packing
Start packing as soon as you possibly can.
The general rule is to start packing 2-3 weeks before you move in so you are finished within a few days before.
But that all depends on the timing of the move.
In our case, we are moving pretty quickly and it’s a lot to coordinate in a short amount of time.

Supplies Needed for Packing
To help us reduce the cost of the move with movers, we are trying to pack what we can ourselves.
Here are some supplies we purchased.
- Small boxes
- Medium boxes
- Large boxes
- Extra large boxes
- Wardrobe boxes
- Bubble wrap or packing paper
- Packing tape
- Colored sticky dots
- Sharpie Markers

What Should You Not Pack When Moving?
This is pretty important because I had no idea movers could not move certain things.
Speak with your movers about what they will or won’t move so you are on the same page.
But in general, things like plants, food, household cleaners, fertilizers, pesticides, ammunition, moving documents, personal items like jewelry, cash, deeds, wills, etc. should not be packed with the movers.
Again, consult with your mover about what specifically they can move because you’ll need a game plan for the items they can’t move for you.

In my case, I’m trying to figure out what to do with all of my houseplants!
Cause you know I have a lot.
My houseplants alone are a lot of volume. LOL!
I originally thought the movers could help with that, but they don’t move houseplants for you.
So make sure you have an alternative plan specifically for plants, particularly if you are moving them in winter.
Most plants are tropical and will not appreciate freezing cold temperatures.
And moving is just as stressful for your plants as it is for you!

11 Simple Packing Tips for Moving
I want to preface this list by saying I am not a real estate expert.
These tips come from my personal experience with packing my home.
Here’s what you need to know to make the packing process less stressful.

- Sell, donate and purge things you don’t need. Ask yourself – do I want to pay to move this? If the answer is no, separate it into piles and treat it accordingly.
- Rent a dumpster if necessary. Once you purge things that you can sell or donate, a dumpster is helpful if you need to get rid of volume quickly.
- Pack by room and consider WHERE things will be going in the next house. Keep items and boxes grouped accordingly.
- Label everything really well so you know what’s in the boxes. It will be much easier to sort through when unpacking. Keep in mind LIFO which means, last in first out. If you packed it last, you want to open it first.
- Create a legend or map using colors so moving day is seamless. With your boxes grouped according to where they are going in the new house, tag boxes with THESE colored dots that will coordinate with the move-in day legend.
- If you are moving during the holidays, consider decorating a few areas you want to replicate in the new house before you move. Pack it in one box, label it for the room it’s going in and you’ll have instant holidays when you unpack.
- Buy more bubble wrap than you think you’ll need. Trust me, you’ll need more.
- Purchase small boxes for books and super heavy items. The boxes will be easier to move.
- Pack larger boxes with lighter items like pillows, etc. and insure the weight is easy to carry.
- Buy more packing tape than you think you will need. Much like bubble wrap, you’ll need more.
- Pack houseplants last. Wrap containers in bubble wrap to keep them safe and place in boxes or containers the day before the move. If you are moving during winter months, the plants must be protected from the outdoor cold temperatures. Ask a friend or family member to adopt them for a few days if possible.

Should You Empty Drawers When Moving?
Drawers need to be emptied and everything in them should be packed up.
Furniture with drawers in them will be much heavier to move if they still have things in them.
And that’s it!
I hope you found these tips helpful.
Best of luck with your move!

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Enjoy a beautiful day! xo