As my kids are growing, they don’t need me as much anymore. With one in college, another in high school and the youngest in her last year of middle school, they are starting do more on their own and have their own opinions, likes and dislikes. As they transition into young adults, I am learning to step back and let them take over the reigns.
Case in point Halloween. I used to really labor over Halloween costumes but they don’t need me the way they used to when they were little and that’s a hard thing to get used to as a mom.
I realize this year, how much I miss those days of planning, constructing and purchasing Halloween costumes for them when I was at the pet store getting treats and labored over what costumes to get for the dogs. After looking around the pet store and shopping around other establishments, I actually found these cute costumes at Marshall’s.
Thankfully, my dogs are pretty good about putting on the costumes and letting me snap a few pics of them. The entertainment value is very high and it fulfills my need to carry on some “momming” Halloween traditions.
Thanks for following along…Happy Halloween! xo