I’ve been seeing a bunch of Christmas in July posts in the home decor community.
So I thought it would be fun to look back at my Christmas 2019 Holiday Home and tell you what I’m doing differently for 2020.
I’m not a huge fan of changing everything up for the sake of changing things up.
But this year, we are scrapping the real Christmas tree for a beautiful new faux tree.
Now I’m a huge fan of real Christmas trees.
They smell wonderful, look beautiful and we do a family thing to pick out just the right tree.
But last year, we decided it was our last year getting a real tree.
With my kids getting older, it’s much more difficult to find the time to all go together.
And when we do go, we struggle to find “just the right tree” that we can all agree on.
Moreover, we aren’t around as much to give it the care it needs to thrive care now that we have the Vermont cabin.
Ski season is usually well underway by early December so it’s tough to keep it consistently watered through the holidays.
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Christmas in July: A Look Back at 2019
Did you notice I didn’t share a lot of Christmas tree photos last year?
When buying a real tree, sometimes they work, and sometimes they don’t in your living space.
For the first time ever, our tree did not look great at all.
No seriously – you would never know it, but it was really lopsided.
Last year, we wanted to visit a different tree farm and supported a farm that we had very little experience with.
When we arrived, the staff was warm and friendly, but there wasn’t a lot of great stock on site.
The trees looked OK but we couldn’t find one we really loved.
Instead of just leaving and going to a different farm, we settled on a tree that we thought looked pretty in the field.
It had a hole in the back that we thought we could hide in the corner of our living room and looked a little scrappy.
But we liked it and thought it would be OK.
When we got it home, it not only had the hole in the back but it looked lopsided indoors.
Why don’t trees look the same in our homes as they do on the lot?
To give it a makeover, I took out some clippers and fixed what I could but even that didn’t help.
The whole tree was just…off.
We lived with it and laughed about it, but decided we were ready to move on to a faux tree for 2020.
Christmas Ideas for 2020
After looking back at 2019, I really love my neutral holiday decor.
I used to focus more on holiday reds, but am really loving the neutrals.
So this year, when I’m out shopping, I’m going to add more neutral organic elements that include berries, twigs, greens, and winter decor.
Not to mention, the twinkle lights. I LOVED all the twinkle lights.
Adding them to each room really warmed up my holiday decor.
To boot, most of them were on a timer, so I set it once and forgot about it all season long.
My family really enjoyed it too, so this year, we have to get more twinkle!
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Tour My Friend’s 2019 Holiday Homes
Michele – VintageHomeDesigns
Rachel – The PondsFarmhouse
Thank you so much for following along.
Enjoy a beautiful day! xo