Floral Separator

Why You Should Grow Dahlias

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Are you interested in growing a flower that is great for cutting and looks amazing in the garden? Here are 5 reasons you should grow dahlias this year. 

Floral Frame

The flowers are stunningly beautiful that come in a wide range of  colors, shapes, and sizes. From small, delicate flowers to large,  dinner-plate-sized blooms, dahlias can add a burst of color and drama to  any garden or floral arrangement.

Dahlias typically have a long blooming season, providing a consistent  display of flowers from mid-summer until the first frost in the fall.

They make great cut flowers.

Dahlias are attractive to pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and  hummingbirds, which can help promote biodiversity and support a healthy  garden ecosystem.

They can be grown in flower beds, borders, or containers,  and can be used in mixed borders, as focal points, or as cut flowers  for stunning floral arrangements. 

Overall, dahlias are the perfect plant for cut flower gardens, but can also be easily incorporated into various garden styles, from formal to cottage gardens, and even modern landscapes.

Floral Separator
Floral Separator

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Floral Separator

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