Floral Separator

Keeping Deer Away from Your Hostas

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Discover proven methods to protect your precious hostas from hungry deer and create a deer-resistant garden.

Floral Frame

There are several methods you can try. 

Install a physical barrier around the plant, such as a fence or netting.

Use deer-resistant plants like astilbes or hellebores to create a border around the hostas.

Use deer repellents. I've use some great ones that are very effective.

The key to using repellents is to start spraying them as soon as they emerge from the ground. Deer need to know early on the plant is not palatable so they choose a different path.

I spray my hostas the moment they emerge from the ground, and then a few  more times as they grow until they reach their mature size. After that, it’s more maintenance spraying depending on the product.

Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about hostas and my favorite deer repellents for them. 

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