Floral Separator

Keep Your Poinsettia Beautiful: Troubleshooting Guide

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Is your poinsettia wilting, dropping leaves, or losing its color? This troubleshooting guide helps you identify and solve common poinsettia problems.

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Why is My Poinsettia Wilting? One of the most common reasons a poinsettia’s leaves may be wilting  is because of a lack of humidity. Remember, these are plants native to  hot, tropical climates. They like humid air!

Because so many of us get poinsettias during the winter months, our  homes are often warm but dry. Keep your poinsettia plants away from any  drafty areas or open vents and try misting the leaves with water or  adding a humidifier nearby.

Why is My Poinsettia Losing Leaves? It could be a sign of a few common problems. These plants often drop their leaves if they are exposed to sudden  changes in temperature, such as when they’re carried from a store to  your car or if they’re placed too close to a vent.

They might also lose leaves if they are under-watered. Be sure to check your plant’s soil often and keep it consistently moist.

Why are My Poinsettia’s Leaves Turning Yellow? Yellow lower leaves are a classic sign of an overwatered plant. While poinsettias like humidity and struggle when they are too dry, they can’t be too wet either.

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Follow along to learn more about how to care for poinsettias.

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