Floral Separator

Christmas Amaryllis Care for Beginners

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Learn how to nurture your Christmas amaryllis from bulb to beautiful bloom with this easy-to-follow guide for beginners.

Floral Frame

The amaryllis is a tender bulb hardy to USDA zones 7 to 8. They are huge bulbs that produce gorgeous large trumpet flowers and add lots of bold color indoors. Depending on the variety, the amaryllis bloom can be either individual flowers or double flowering.

How to Select Amaryllis Bulbs Select the largest bulbs available because larger bulbs typically produce more flowers. Avoid bulbs with signs of mold, decay or injury. And bulbs should be firm and dry.

Choosing a Container Choose a container with a good drainage hole because good drainage prevents root rot, pest, and disease problems. As a general rule, the container’s  diameter should be an inch or so wider than the diameter of the bulb  which is the widest part of the bulb and twice as tall as the bulb.

Planting Before planting, fill the container halfway with sterile fresh potting soil that is high in organic matter. Plant the amaryllis bulb pointed end up so the roots sit on the potting soil.

Backfill with soil until about the top third of the bulb is visible. Tamp down on the potting medium surrounding the bulb. And then water after planted.

Staking Consider adding a stake like these to help the flower stalk remain stable while it grows.

Location Move the planter to a location where it will receive indirect bright light, like a sunny windowsill.

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Follow along to learn more about how to care for Christmas amaryllis.

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