Floral Separator

Why You Should Divide Hydrangeas in Fall

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

While you can also propagate hydrangeas with cuttings and ground layering, some hydrangea plants start splitting themselves and benefit from dividing.

Floral Separator

Dividing a hydrangea has several benefits, both for the plant and for the gardener. Here are  a few reasons why you should divide your hydrangeas this fall. 

Floral Frame

You can create multiple new plants from a single mature plant. This  means you can expand your garden without having to spend any money on  new plants.

Over time, mature plants can become overcrowded and start to suffer.  Dividing your hydrangea can help to alleviate overcrowding, which can  improve the health and vigor of the plant.

Dividing the plant can help to stimulate new growth and encourage more blooms.

It's easy to do

By dividing your hydrangea, you will free up some space in your garden.  This is particularly beneficial when it outgrows the allotted space and  starts crowding out other plants.

Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about how to divide hydrangeas.

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Floral Separator

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