Floral Separator

Why Pilea Plant is the Underrated Gem You Need in Your Home 

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Want to grow a low-maintenance houseplant that is hard to kill?  Here are 5 reasons pilea plant is an underrated gem that you need in your home.

Pilea peperomioides plant has been referred to as the coin plant because  of its unique look with coin-shaped leaves. It is believed to bring  good luck to those who care for them.

Floral Frame

They are fast-growing plants that prefer indirect bright light and well-draining moist soil.

It’s a great indoor plant for beginners.

Floral Separator

They have a unique appearance.

Pilea has air-purifying qualities.

Floral Separator

Pilea plants are easy to propagate.

Floral Separator

They are versatile plants that can be grown in a variety of settings.

Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about how to grow pilea plant.

Gardening Tips & Tricks