Floral Separator

Why Gomphrena Makes a Great Cut Flower

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Want to create everlasting arrangements? Look no further than Gomphrena. Here's why Globe amaranth makes a fantastic cut flower.

Floral Frame

Long-lasting Gomphrena’s biggest perk is its  incredible vase life. The dried blooms can last for months, even years,  with proper care! This makes them ideal for creating everlasting  arrangements that add a pop of color to your home long after they’ve  been cut .

Vibrant Colors Gomphrena boasts a range of eye-catching colors which allows you to create arrangements that complement any décor or occasion.

Vibrant Colors Gomphrena boasts a range of eye-catching colors which allows you to create arrangements that complement any décor or occasion.

Low Maintenance Even after being cut, Gomphrena  requires minimal care. Simply place the stems in a vase without water  and enjoy the long-lasting display.

Adds Textural Interest Gomphrena’s unique, papery  blooms add a touch of texture to both your cut flower garden and  bouquets, creating visual interest and dimension alongside other  flowers.

How to Harvest Gomphrena Flower Simply harvest globe amaranth flowers when they are fully open but  haven’t started to fade. Hang them upside down in a cool,  well-ventilated area to dry, and enjoy their vibrant beauty throughout  the year.

Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about growing gomphrena.

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