Floral Separator

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Gorgeous Bearded Iris

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Discover the secrets to growing stunning bearded iris! This comprehensive guide covers everything from planting to care, ensuring your garden blooms with vibrant color.

Floral Frame

Bearded irises are easy to grow flowers that bloom in spring.

The flowers are absolutely beautiful I mean look at those petals! Follow these tips to grow these gorgeous blooms.

Plant them in a sunny site with well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.

While they love direct sunlight with a full day of sun, they can also  grow and bloom well in partial shade locations too. They prefer soil  that is neutral to slightly alkaline soils, with a pH between 6.5 and  7.5.

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Water your bearded irises regularly, making sure to keep the soil evenly  moist but not waterlogged as you don’t want them to get a fungal  disease.

I generally don’t fertilize my irises and focus more on good soil  quality with lots of compost, leaf mold, and other organic matter.

Prune old blooms and stalks promptly after flowering so the iris devotes  energy to growth. If you have a reblooming iris, removing the old  flowers and stalks encourages another set of blooms.

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Follow along to learn more about growing bearded irises.

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