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The Sedum That Does It All: Discover 'Autumn Joy'

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Want a low-maintenance plant that adds color and texture to your garden? Sedum 'Autumn Joy' is the answer! Explore its many benefits and learn how to grow it.

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Low-Maintenance   If you prefer spending more time  admiring your garden than tending to it, Sedum Autumn Joy is a must-have. This hardy perennial requires minimal attention, making it  perfect for both beginners and seasoned gardeners alike.

Pretty Fall Flowers Autumn Joy truly shines during the fall. Its succulent leaves take on a rich, warm  hue that perfectly complements the changing colors of the season. And  when its flower heads burst into bloom, you’ll witness a captivating  shift from pale pink to deep, rosy red.

Pollinator Haven Bees, butterflies, and other pollinators can’t resist its late-season nectar feast. So, by adding this beauty to  your garden, you’re also contributing to the well-being of these  essential creatures.

Great Cut Flower If you enjoy making flower arrangements, this plant adds lots of pretty texture to fresh-cut bouquets.

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Dries Easily If you enjoy drying flowers for your home decor, sedum autumn joy dries with ease and lasts a long time.

Beautiful Blooms The late-season blooms of Sedum  Autumn Joy are a sight to behold. The clusters of flowers start as pale  pink and transition to deep rosy red, adding a burst of color to your  garden during a time when many other plants have finished blooming.

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Follow along to learn more about growing sedum autumn joy.

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