Floral Separator

 Smart Strategies for Preventing Deer Damage to Flower Beds

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Deer Devouring Your Blooms? Outsmart Bambi with these clever strategies to save your flower beds. Get your garden back with these simple tips.

They Lack Depth Perception To really keep deer out of gardens, it’s best to use an eight-foot or  higher fence. But did you also know that deer lack depth perception? This characteristic can be used to your advantage when implementing  deterrents because you can erect a double fence to keep them out.

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Sensitivity to Odors Deer have a strong sense of smell and are sensitive to certain odors. They are naturally repelled by strong scents like human urine, predator  scents, or certain plant aromas. This is why repellents work particularly well.

Repetitive Pathways Deer tend to follow established pathways, especially when foraging for food. By understanding their travel patterns, you can strategically use repellents and/or place deterrents or barriers dissuade them from entering your garden.

Training Them to Avoid Your Garden Teaching deer to associate your garden with unpleasant experiences can be an effective long-term solution.This can be achieved by using repellents, scare tactics, or  motion-activated devices Because over time, they learn to avoid the area altogether.

Apply Deer Repellent Sprays and Granules There are lots of great options on the market that work really well when applied properly. 

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Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about what deer repellents work best to protect your gardens from damage.

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