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Preparing Your Garden for Winter: A 7-Step Guide  

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Get your garden ready for winter with this easy 7-step guide! Learn how to protect your plants, prepare your soil, and ensure a thriving garden next spring.

Lift Tender Plants, Bulbs and Tubers If you have tender plants, bulbs and tubers in your garden, you have two choices to prepare for winter: treat these plants like annuals or dig them up and store them indoors for the cold season.

Overseed the Lawn Fall is a fantastic time to overseed the lawn. By adding grass seed in early fall, you give the seed time to  establish root systems after the hot summer months and before the  ground freezes. Come spring, your lawn will be able to bounce back  better than ever!

Cut Back Diseased Plants I like to leave a lot of my perennials throughout the winter, but  it’s important to cut back any diseased plant foliage before winter and  remove all of the foliage. Doing so ensures that these issues don’t  spread and become worse by spring.

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Tidy Up Perennials and Annuals I don’t cut back my garden as much as some gardeners, but I do make sure to tidy up plants that are falling over. I leave a lot of perennials and their deceased foliage up all winter so the birds can enjoy the seed as well as add winter interest to the gardens.

Plant Bulbs Before Winter Plant spring flowering bulbs (Tulips, Daffodils, etc.). Do not plant too early though – I usually  wait until the temps are much cooler – usually in late October and  sometimes as late as early November.

Plant Perennials, Trees & Shrubs Bulbs aren’t the only thing you can plant in fall to prepare for winter and spring. Now is a great time to plant perennials, vines, shrubs, or trees. Garden nurseries are selling their stock off at a discount so run, don’t walk to get plants now while supplies last.

Protect Plants From Winter Damage If you've noticed plants like hydrangeas didn't bloom, you may need to protect the buds during the winter. Wrap plants in burlap to give them an extra layer of protection.

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