Floral Separator

Plant These In Spring for Beauitful Summer Blooms 

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Get ready for a colorful summer garden! This guide reveals the best flowers to plant in spring for a stunning display of vibrant blooms all season long.

Floral Separator

Salvia These beautiful flowering perennials that prefer full sun, well drained soil and come in a variety of colors with incredible foliage that vary in color from deep green to silver-gray. This can really help fill in any spring-to-summer gaps in a garden.

Floral Frame

Nepeta Nepeta is a perennial  that thives in full sun and well draining soil with flowers that appear in clusters along the stems,  showcasing hues of lavender, blue, or white. The bloom time varies, but it often occurs in late spring to early summer, attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

Bearded Iris Perennial plants that love full sun and well drained soil that come in a variety of colors, including purple, blue, white, yellow and even bi-color varieties. Their flowers typically  emerge in the late spring to early summer.

Lilac Lilacs are deciduous shrubs or small trees that come in a variety of colors, including purple, pink, white and even blue. They are best known for their strong fragrance. Lilacs are hardy and adaptable but prefer full sunlight for optimal blooming. 

Peonies Peonies are known for their large, lush and fragrant flowers that bloom in  shades of white, pink, red and even coral. They’re a perennial plant that, depending on the variety, either die back to the ground in winter or maintain woody stems year-round.

Roses Roses are one of the most iconic, timeless flowers you can grow in a garden. They are woody perennials that come in tons of varieties, such as  climbers and shrubs, and many different colors. They thrive in full sun and well-draining soil.

Hydrangea Hydrangeas are deciduous shrubs and climbers known for their large, globe-shaped clusters of flowers. Their flowers come in many different  colors, including blue, pink, purple, white and green, and they often bloom throughout the summer months.

Floral Separator

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