Floral Separator

Planning Your Garden in Winter Benefits

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

If the winter blues got you down, unleash your green thumb with this garden layout guide! Discover why planning your garden now helps bring your dreams to life!

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Think January and February is all about hibernation and hot cocoa? Think again! While the world outside might be slumbering, January and February are like the hidden gems for planning your dream garden. Here’s why:

Floral Frame

Clear Canvas It’s much easier to envision your garden  working from a blank sheet of paper than it filled with flowers. Sketching out paths, positioning focal points, and  playing around with your garden layout is much easier to do in the  theoretical sense than while we’re in the midst of the gardening season.

Plant-tastic Foresight  By planning, you can research planting times and your hardiness zone, ensuring  you have the perfect plant palette ready for spring. No more  last-minute panic or impulse purchases when shopping online or in garden  centers. 

Budgeting with a Bloom Designing your garden in winter gives you time to research, compare prices, and hunt for deals on seeds, tools, and garden supplies. Your wallet will thank you come spring planting season.

Beating the Rush Local nurseries and garden centers  are less crowded in January, giving you one-on-one access to expert  advice. Soak up their wisdom and avoid the spring-time frenzy!

Winter’s Spark of Inspiration While the world outdoors sleeps, your imagination can run wild! Cozy up with garden books, browse Pinterest boards, scroll your socials, or watch a few YouTube videos, and let the creative juices flow. You might just design your most stunning garden yet.

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