Did you know that there are different types of lavender to grow? Learn about why you'd want to grow each of them with these simple tips.
Lavender is a versatile and popular herb known for its aromatic fragrance, attractive flowers, and soothing properties.
They are also a favorite of bees and butterflies, making them an excellent option for pollinator gardens. These deer-resistant plants make excellent cut flowers as well as dried flowers too.
Before planting them, it’s important to select the right lavender variety for your garden.
Here are a few popular types to consider.
English Lavender This is the most common variety, known for its compact growth habit and aromatic flowers. It thrives in cooler climates and is highly valued for its oil. It is also excellent for culinary use.
French LavenderWith its distinctive serrated leaves and showy flowers, it’s more tolerant of heat and humidity while adding a touch of charm to any garden. Not to mention, it tends to bloom longer than other varieties.
Spanish Lavender Known for its unique “rabbit ear” blooms, this variety is an early blooming, vibrant, and drought-tolerant variety that can handle hot and dry conditions.
Follow along to learn more about growing lavender and enjoying the flowers.