Floral Separator

Hydrangea Propagation By Ground Layering

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Learn the simple technique of ground layering to create new hydrangea plants from your existing shrubs.

Floral Frame

Choose a hydrangea branch that is close to the ground.

Remove the leaves where the branch will touch the ground when you gently bend it down.

Scrape some bark off the branch in this area. Make sure at least one  leaf node will be under the ground. This will help encourage root  growth.

Keep the branch attached to the mother plant. Do not cut it!

Dig about a 2″ deep trench, lower the branch in, and cover it with soil.

To keep the branch from popping out of the soil, place a brick or stone on the buried area to weigh it down.

When roots form, cut the branch from the mother plant and pot it up or plant it in the garden.

Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about propagating hydrangeas

Gardening Tips & Tricks

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