Floral Separator

Hydrangea Division Made Easy

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Want more hydrangeas? Learn how to divide them yourself and enjoy a garden full of vibrant colors.

Floral Separator

Here's what you need to get started: – Spade Shovel – Garden Fork – Garden Gloves – Garden Soil

Floral Frame

Start digging around the base of the baby clump, starting with the outside of the plant and work your way in.

The roots can be pretty tough so use your body weight if needed to dig through and under the roots. Try to salvage as much of the root ball as you can. The more protected  the roots are, the easier it will be to acclimate to its new location.

Dig around the base of the clump in a circle and use a lifting motion  when digging under the plant to start separating it from the mother  plant.

Use a garden fork to get underneath and help lift the root ball out.

Continue digging and lifting. It took me about 10-15 minutes to get two clumps out but was well worth the effort.

Immediately replant the baby clumps in another area then water it.

Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about how to divide hydrangeas.

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Floral Separator

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