Floral Separator

How to Tell If Your Houseplants Are Still Alive

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Is your houseplant playing dead?  Don't toss it just yet! Learn the subtle signs your greenery's still kicking. 

Floral Frame

If you aren’t sure whether your plants are dead or alive, there are a few easy ways you can tell.

Snap a Branch Take a branch that’s roughly the size of a pen and break it. If the  plant is dead, the wood inside will be dead and dry. If it’s still  alive, you’ll see signs of life with moist wood or green inside.o winter elements.

Scratch a Branch Scratching a branch is my preferred method, and one that I use on  both indoor and outdoor plants if I’m questioning whether a plant is  alive or not. Simply scratch some of the bark off a woody stem. If there is green beneath the bark, it is alive.

If that stem looks dead and dry, the plant may or may not have survived.  Further investigation is required. Check other parts of the plant near  the roots to see if its all dead or just a portion of it.

Inspect the Roots If I’m not sure whether a plant is alive or not, I inspect the roots  of the plant. This involves removing the plant from its container or  digging it up and physically checking the roots.

Ask yourself - Do they look healthy or are they dry and shriveled up?

Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about how to keep your houseplants alive in winter.

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