Floral Separator

How to Grow Hostas in Pots

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Bring the lush beauty of hostas to your patio or balcony with this guide on growing them in pots. Learn the best soil, watering, and sunlight conditions for thriving container hostas.

Choosing the Perfect Pots  Selecting the right pot is crucial for the health and happiness of your hostas. Select pots at  least 12 inches deep and wide for most hostas, with larger pots for  larger varieties. Ensure ample drainage holes to prevent root rot. If  they don’t have them, you may need to drill them.

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Soil and Light Requirements  Hostas thrive in partial shade or dappled sunlight, with some  varieties tolerating more or less sun. Plant in moist, well-draining  soil rich in organic matter, ideally with a slightly acidic to neutral  pH. 

Planting Add potting mix to your container. Dig a hole that is 2x the size of the root ball, plant, backfill and water well. 

Watering Hostas in Pots Hostas prefer consistently moist soil, but be careful not to overwater, which can lead to root rot. Water thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry, and ensure excess water drains freely. Remember  that containers dry out faster than plants in the ground.   

Fertilizing Hostas in Pots Fertilize potted hostas with a balanced slow-release or water-soluble fertilizer formulated  for flowering plants and follow the package instructions for  application rates and frequency. Avoid fertilizing late in the season.

Overwintering Potted Hostas For successful overwintering in  colder climates, choose hosta varieties two zones hardier than yours,  and plant them in all-weather pots. You can also move containers to a  sheltered location or bury them in the ground, ensuring the soil level  in the pot matches the surrounding ground.

Floral Separator

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