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Help Your Daffodils Bloom: 7 Troubleshooting Tips

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Dreading a lackluster daffodil display? Discover 7 common reasons why your spring favorites might not be blooming, and learn easy fixes to get those cheerful blooms bursting forth!

Floral Frame

If bulbs were planted in fall and there are no blooms or foliage in  spring, a critter, like voles or squirrels, may have eaten the bulbs.

Bigger bulbs produce better blooms. When purchasing bulbs, seek the largest bulbs possible.

Bulbs should be fed with a 5-10-10 fertilizer granules when planting in fall and when leaves emerge.

Bulbs may be overfed with nitrogen which encourages leaf production  instead of flowers. So check the first number on the fertilizer bag. And  be certain lawn fertilizer is not seeping in where bulbs are planted.

Lack of sun – bulbs need full sun to grow (roughly 6-8 hours per day.)

If planted in a garden, bulbs might be competing for nutrients with  other plants. Neighboring plants that overcrowd or shade spring bulbs  prevent nutrients from reaching plants.

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Foliage that is cut back too early the prior spring affects the  following year’s blooms. Bulbs store energy and need that foliage to  prepare for the following year. Do not cut the foliage back until it is yellow.

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Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about how to keep spring flowering bulbs blooming.

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