Floral Separator

Growing Hydrangeas in the Fall 

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Want to grow hydrangeas? Learn how to grow hydrangeas in the fall to get the most out of their flowers with these simple tips.

Floral Frame

Plant hydrangeas in the proper location. In general, hydrangeas prefer shadier spots where they receive morning sun and afternoon shade. But it really depends on the variety you grow so read the plant tag.

Hydrangeas prefer well-draining and rich soil with lots of organic matter. So amend your soil at the time of planting.

When planting a hydrangea, determine the right planting location by selecting an area with ample room for the shrub to grow. Consider what the overall size will be and understand the light conditions of the spot.

Floral Separator

Hydrangeas have few pest and disease problems but make sure they get the proper amount of light and are planted in well draining soil to keep the plan healthy later.

In general, hydrangeas do not need to be fertilized. Focus on good quality soil instead to feed plants. 

Floral Separator
Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about how to grow and enjoy hydrangeas.

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