Floral Separator

Growing Celosia in Your Flower Garden 

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Looking for a textured pop of color that will add whimsy to the garden? Celosia plant is a great option! Wait until you see how easy it is to grow with these simple tips.

Floral Frame

The low-maintenance, high-impact celosia plant belongs to the  Amaranthaceae family. Celosia is one of the most eye-catching flowering  plants because of its 3 distinct shapes:  plumed, wheat, and cockscomb.

Celosia has a USDA hardiness zone of 10-11 so it is generally treated as  an annual. However, in zones 9 to 11 celosia might surprise you by  acting like a short-lived perennial. From my experience, and I’m in zone  6a, this easy-care annual drops seed, self-sows, and returns yearly.

In order to thrive, Celosia needs 6-8 hours of full sun per day and should be planted in well-draining soil.

Flowers appear beginning in early to mid-summer and the blooms continue through to fall. 

Celosia’s blooms aren’t just a fleeting affair. These beauties have staying power! Whether you’re enjoying them in your garden or snipping  them for indoor arrangements, celosia’s blooms will grace your space  until the first frost.

They are cut and come again, so keep cutting to get more flowers.

If you lack growing space or want to decorate an outdoor living space, celosia is a great container garden plant too. I love it in fall container designs. 

Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about growing celosia plants.

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