Floral Separator

Growing Black Eyed Susans in Containers

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

If you want to grow rudbeckia but are short on garden space or want to start small, you can easily grow them in containers. Learn how to grow black-eyes susans in outdoor planters with these tips. 

Floral Separator

Choose a container with drainage holes that has a diameter of at least 12 to 16 inches and a depth of at least 12  to 18 inches depending on the size of the plant you purchase.

Floral Frame

Use a well-draining potting mix and only use one plant per container.

Maintain containers in full sun with at least 5-6 hours of direct  sunlight per day. Rotate the container periodically to ensure even  sunlight exposure on all sides of the plant.

Containers dry out faster than the ground, so it’s important to water  them regularly, checking the soil moisture level with your finger or a moisture meter. Keep them moist but not waterlogged.

Fertilize rudbeckia in containers with a balanced water-soluble  fertilizer formulated for flowering plants and follow the package  instructions for application rates and frequency.

While you can grow them as an annual if you want them to return yearly,  plant rudbeckia varieties that are at least 2 zones higher than your  current hardiness zone.

Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about how to grow and care for black eyed susan. 

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