Floral Separator

Garden Hacks That Will Save You Money in Fall

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

To help keep your garden looking amazing and stick to a budget, here are 5 garden hacks that will save you money this fall.

Buy transplants or divisions from plant sales, colleges, or master  gardening groups. Reach out to your local cooperative extension that  would have information on local events.

Floral Frame

Maximize your garden space and grow vegetables vertically with a DIY support system.

Hand pick or hose off garden pests instead of purchasing pesticides. A  bucket of soapy water or a shot of a strong water nozzle can be enough to control some pests like aphids.

Pay attention to the last frost date so your warm season annuals and tender perennials don’t get zapped by an early frost.

Propagate and divide plants every few years in fall so you can grow your garden for free!

Floral Separator

Follow along to learn more about ways to save money  in the garden. 

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