Are your houseplants not looking so great this winter? Master these foolproof winter houseplant care tips to keep them thriving all season!
Believe it or not, plants don’t need as much care as you might think they need during the winter. Plants are resting and don’t need much from us right now.
How to Keep Plants Alive in WinterMuch like real estate, location location location is the key to successful houseplant parenting. Keep plants away from cold drafty windows and doors where they will be exposed to winter elements.
And in the same vane, keep them away from excessive heat. This is why I use faux plants around certain spots in my home, like the fireplace. Ideally, plants want to be in 65-75 degree environment that does not dip below 50 at night.
Stop Watering Plants on the Same Day Every Week. That’s right put the watering can down and read this because overwatering houseplants during the winter is a surefire way to kill them. While they still require water, they need less while in dormancy.
How often to water plants in winter largely depends on how dry the soil gets. With all other plants, check the soil on the same day every week instead of watering. Follow this simple test to determine whether the soil is dry or not before watering.
Add Humidity to the Indoor AirMost houseplants are tropical and thrive in humidity. But during the winter, most of our homes have drier air from running the heat.If you notice plants getting a little crispy, it’s a good idea to add some humidity back into the air.
Follow along to learn more about how to keep your houseplants alive in winter.