Floral Separator

Easy Ways to Support Peonies

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Do your peony flowers fall over when they bloom? Here are some easy ways to support peonies to keep the flowers upright. 

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Peony flowers can be heavy and may fall over due to their weight,  especially during heavy rainfall or windy conditions. 

There are a few ways  to support peony flowers and prevent them from falling over.

The most common way to support peony flowers is by staking them. You can  use bamboo stakes, metal stakes, or even old wire hangers to stake your  peonies.

Another way to support peony flowers is by using a cage.

Or you can try using a ring support 

Planting companion plants such as tall annuals or perennials, like  delphiniums or salvia, near the peonies can provide additional support.  The companion plants can act as natural stakes for the peony stems.

Whatever method you choose, it is essential to support your peony flowers as soon as they start to grow, so they don't become weak or fall over.

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Follow along to learn more about how to grow peonies.

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