Looking for ways to grow a healthy and beautiful garden on a dime? Learn how to divide rudbeckia (black eyed susans) in the spring with these simple tips.
When the plant breaks ground in the spring, grab a spade shovel to divide them.
Look at the plant and determine where the natural lines of division are.
Start with an outer edge of the plant. Dig the shovel underneath the plants and avoid slicing the roots as much as possible.
Rudbeckia usually lifts out of the ground pretty easily with one simple dig and the use of your hands. If it needs more effort that that, you'll need to dig around the entire section of the plant.
Don’t worry about injuring plants during this process. They will regenerate, bounce back, and appreciate the effort you put in.
Once the divisions are out, transplant them as soon as possible.
Some plants are much tougher to divide than others. But it is well worth the effort.
Follow along to learn more about caring for rudbeckia.