Floral Separator

Design Tips for a Stunning Fall Garden

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Want to grow a gorgeous garden this autumn? Design a stunning fall garden with these simple tips. 

As the vibrant colors of summer begin to fade, it’s time to shift your focus to creating a stunning fall garden. With the right planning and techniques, you can ensure a bountiful  and beautiful garden that will flourish well into the autumn months.

Floral Frame

Fall Bloom Time Look at when flowers bloom when planting a fall garden. Look for the best fall garden flowers that will be in bloom from August-ish through October. But there are so many other fall garden plants to choose from too.

Types of Fall Flowers In addition to looking at bloom time, choose flowers that have different shapes, color, and sizes. Different flower types with various shapes and sizes will add lots of texture and dimension to the gardens.

Plant in Groupings Depending on the size of your garden and plant varieties, plant in odd numbers. Plant more of the same perennials in  larger groupings to achieve a greater visual impact instead of a bunch of different plants.

Foliage Color Look at plant foliage color, texture, and dimension. Don’t underestimate the power of foliage color both in fall and throughout the gardening season. Even if a plant does not bloom, the foliage can have a huge visual impact on the garden.

Plan Ahead When Planting for Fall Garden Choose plants with colors and textures that will look amazing in both  spring and autumn, you’ll save yourself a lot of time and money when you start planting the fall garden.

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Follow along to learn more about designing and planting a fall garden. 

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