Floral Separator

Coneflowers: When to Plant for Maximum Blooms

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Want more coneflower blooms? This guide reveals the best time to plant coneflowers for maximum flowers and a vibrant garden. 

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Purple coneflowers, also known as echinacea purpurea, are herbaceous flowering native plants from eastern and central North America. It is a popular garden plant, known for its attractive, bright purple flowers and medicinal properties.

The best time to plant purple coneflowers is in the spring or fall, depending on your climate and growing conditions.

To save money on plants and help establish them more easily, I purchase  smaller baby plants in spring from the nursery as opposed to full-grown  plants. They cost less and are easier to establish as younger plants.

Another money-saving tip is to purchase plants in late fall when  nurseries are selling their stock off at a major discount. So you’ll get  more bang for your dollar that way. 

It’s also easier for plants to  establish in late fall through winter because they won’t experience the  drought stress from summer heat.

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As long as the ground can be worked, you can plant.

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Follow along to learn more about how to grow purple coneflowers.

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