Looking for ways to save money at the garden nursery? Get more bang for your buck when buying plants and filling beds with these simple tips.
Divide your own plants (if you have them) or get divisions from gardening friends so you don't need to buy them.
Make your own compost. It's eco-friendly and saves you from having to buy it yearly to maintain garden health.
Shop for perennials, shrubs and trees in mid-late October when nurseries want to sell off their stock before winter. It's seriously the best time to buy!
Buy pansies in the fall so they can overwinter and bounce back in spring.
Choose annuals that will look good in BOTH spring and fall so you don't need to buy fresh annuals in fall.
Save money on raised garden bed soil when filling beds by filling the bottom 1/4-1/3 with sticks, small branches, garden debris and a layer of cardboard before adding soil.
Save money on potting soil by lightly filling the bottoms of oversized planters with crushed down nursery pots. Fill NO MORE than the bottom 1/4-1/3 as plants need soil to grow in.
Follow along to learn more about ways to save money in the garden.