Floral Separator

Bearded Iris Division Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide 

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

Want more of those beautiful bearded irises? Learn how to divide them with ease and enjoy an abundance of blooms in your garden. This guide makes it simple!

The best time to divide bearded irises is after flowering when they go dormant during late summer.

Floral Separator
Floral Frame

To reduce plant stress and encourage strong root growth, cut the foliage back to roughly a third of its height before dividing.

Carefully dig up the clumps of rhizomes using a shovel or spade. Be gentle to avoid damaging them.

Then cut the rhizomes into smaller sections, making sure each section has at least one fan of leaves and a few roots.

Floral Frame

Discard any damaged or diseased rhizomes because you don’t want to plant  those. Keep rhizomes that have healthy roots and one or two leaf fans.

Next, replant the divided rhizomes. When planting, dig a shallow hole  that’s roughly 10″ diamter by 4″ deep. Add soil to the center of the  hold so you can set the rhizome on top and spread the roots out.

Floral Separator

Then backfill with good garden soil but make sure the rhizome top is  visible to the surface of the soil. When you plant them too deeply, they  may not flower.

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Visit the blog to learn more about how to grow bearded iris and enjoy the flowers.

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