Floral Separator

5 Benefits of Growing a Spider Plant

By stacy ling

Gardening Tips & Tricks

If you are interested in expanding your houseplant collection with more easy-care plants, look no further than the spider plant. Here are 5 reasons you should grow them.

Floral Frame

Spider Plants (Chlorophytum Comosum) are popular, easy-to-grow, and low-maintenance  indoor plants. It is named for its long, spider-like leaves that grow  from the plant’s center.

Studies have shown that spider plants help purify the air.

They are easy-care, low maintenance indoor plants.

Spider plants are very versatile too. They can be grown in pots, hanging  baskets, or as ground cover (depending on where you live), making them a  great option for any indoor or outdoor space.

They are easy to propagate. Spider plants produce offsets or baby spider plants, that can be easily  rooted to create new plants, making them a great choice for gardeners who want to expand their collection.

Floral Separator

Spider plants have an incredible aesthetic appeal that can’t be rivaled.  With their long, lush leaves and delicate white or yellow flowers,  spider plants are a stylish and attractive addition to any indoor or  outdoor space.

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Follow along to learn more about how to grow spider plants.

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